Pedestrians prohibited sign on a walkway

Duct Tape

Wrapping me up.
Cocoon of sticky bars.
Silver. Matte.

Covering my mouth.
Binding my hands.
Gooey. Cold.

My eyes free.
My ears free.
Bound. Unbound.

Ripping it off
Breaking self free
But it is good.
And shall be.

But you.
Somehow you.
Keep sticking.
Keep holding.
Keep wrapping me up.

Put down the roll.

©2015 choiSOSS

that's what she said talking greeting card



The hype won’t make
Them find you.

The hype won’t make
Them love you.

The hype can’t make
Them value.

The game won’t raze
The solitude.

The game won’t faze
The multitude.

The game can’t blaze
The lassitude.

The hype won’t make
Them find you.

The hype won’t make
Them love you.

The hype can’t raise
Your value.

©2015 choiSOSS

Words that Make Me Stop Reading


suppose it was you
on the other side.

suppose it was your wife
and small child
that your friend was trying to steal
from under your nose,
just like that.

suppose you were
the victim,
perpetrating the crime.

i suppose you’d think
much differently on that

©2014 choiSOSS

50% off clocks - slightly damaged


Modicum of sanity in this knotted mess of circumstance.
Cleaning up the pieces dropped and littering the ground.

Mediating, modifying, all in all, unsatisfying.
Gathering the pieces that are falling all around.

Most of all, time washes over, draining down and falling under.
Taking care to keep an even keel from stern to prow.

Just a wait now, neverending; hoping for a happy ending.
Clasping hands to heart in hopes to keep all safe and sound.

©2014 choiSOSS

Blown-out Girl - over-exposed portrait


She stands,
Slightly slouched,
Hair shining from brushstrokes,
Slight sparkles where the sun
Baked in flyaway ends, stirred by the breeze.

She smiles,
Wryly, one-sided.
A thought crosses her mind
And the lips press together
Making her dimples appear just for a moment.

She turns,
On one heel,
And strides away from him,
Not knowing the effect she has had
On his quick-beating heart, now subsiding.

©2014 choiSOSS