Words that Make Me Stop Reading


suppose it was you
on the other side.

suppose it was your wife
and small child
that your friend was trying to steal
from under your nose,
just like that.

suppose you were
the victim,
perpetrating the crime.

i suppose you’d think
much differently on that

©2014 choiSOSS

Travel Scrabble Board folded with "JAMMED" in the crease

Baskets broken

Picking up each egg gingerly,
You hold them briefly, inches from your face.
Eyes believe they can see through the pores
Of the shell, but only imagine the motions.
You have no view of the albumen, the yolk;
You cannot see that the shell is broken.

Just as gingerly, you place each egg in,
Lovingly, gently, carefully, even though
The basket is broken and each placed egg
Just rolls around as you walk, until it
Finds the opening and falls out; No matter,
As they already were cracked in your grip.

So studiously you wander, gathering eggs,
Collecting them in vain: your quest self-perpetuated.

©2014 choiSOSS

Unraveling of a sweater into 3 yarns

The Past Passed


The past passed, but you still grasp.
The past passed; it’s not meant to last.

The arrogance of it all.
You’re just folding back memories in your head.
Obliviousness of your soul.
You’re just replaying it all, but instead
You should swallow your heart and forget the past,
Never looking to her, never try looking back.
It’s not fair to the other, the one you chose;
After all that was said, that one let you go.

The past passed, but you still grasp.
The elephant in the room– the monster under the bed.
The past passed; it’s not meant to last.
The one that got away– the heart’s golden thread.

So you hear her,
Her voice so clear.
Never near her,
Still you hold her dear.

The past passed, but you still grasp.
The elephant in the room– the monster under the bed.
The past passed; it’s not meant to last.
The one that got away– the heart’s woven thread.

You should swallow your heart and forget the past,
Never looking to her, never try looking back.
It’s not fair to the other, the one you chose;
After all that was said, that one let you go.

Let her go now.
It’s about time.
She let you know;
She gave all the signs.

The past passed, but you still grasp.
The past passed; it’s not meant to last.

So you hear her,
Her voice so clear.
Never near her,
Still you hold her dear.

The past passed, but you still grasp.
The past passed; it’s not meant to last.

©2014 choiSOSS

The Crush

Pushing me down in your overbearing ways.
Striking me hard with your care.
Crushing my soul with your manipulative plays.
Pretending that you ever cared.

No wonder, I know. No fucking wonder.
No fucking wonder I found myself in that place before.
You trained me, all these years. You fucking trained me.
You fucking trained me to take it, lose grip on my own soul.

I’m pushing back; it’s all about me now.
I’m striking down all the bull.
I’m crushing the self-hate and the self-doubt.
I’m pretending I never cared.

©2014 choiSOSS

You need you

That crush… heavy. weighted. feeling of dread.
That gush… dampness. hated. tears for the unsaid.

This feeling. I’ve felt it before.
Not quite like this.

Distance yourself.
Take a step back.

Then when it comes back, you cannot control it.

It storms back, making inescapable puddles, drowning anything that might be good around you.

You need to control it.
You need to.

You need you back.
You need you.

©2014 choiSOSS