The Crush

Pushing me down in your overbearing ways.
Striking me hard with your care.
Crushing my soul with your manipulative plays.
Pretending that you ever cared.

No wonder, I know. No fucking wonder.
No fucking wonder I found myself in that place before.
You trained me, all these years. You fucking trained me.
You fucking trained me to take it, lose grip on my own soul.

I’m pushing back; it’s all about me now.
I’m striking down all the bull.
I’m crushing the self-hate and the self-doubt.
I’m pretending I never cared.

©2014 choiSOSS

Dogwood blooms against blue sky


I wish.
I wish I could be selfish.
I wish I could not care.

I want.
I want to do for me first.
I want to ignore, not bear.

I can’t.
I can’t stop worrying about others.
I can’t help but care; it’s not fair.

I need.
I need to take care of me now.
I need someone else to bear.

I wish.
I wish I were more more selfish.
I wish I no longer cared.

©2014 choiSOSS

Hand with yellow nails

With a Shake of the Hands

Fluttering fingers.
Absentmindedly, flicking away the constant cobweb cover on her eyes.

Sometimes streams of bright light pierce through veiled lashes.
Hit home. Strike fierce. Hold fast.
Then gone.

With a shake of the hands, then gone.

©2014 choiSOSS

You need you

That crush… heavy. weighted. feeling of dread.
That gush… dampness. hated. tears for the unsaid.

This feeling. I’ve felt it before.
Not quite like this.

Distance yourself.
Take a step back.

Then when it comes back, you cannot control it.

It storms back, making inescapable puddles, drowning anything that might be good around you.

You need to control it.
You need to.

You need you back.
You need you.

©2014 choiSOSS

Flowering bush with white flowers

Is it today?

Turning point.
They say there’s a turning point.
They say there will be one.

Is it today?

Isn’t it that magical day, today?
Doesn’t it all become clear, today?
Won’t I learn not to fear, today?

Baring a hollow display, today.

Too much.
Too late
to wait.


©2013 choiSOSS