50% off clocks - slightly damaged


Modicum of sanity in this knotted mess of circumstance.
Cleaning up the pieces dropped and littering the ground.

Mediating, modifying, all in all, unsatisfying.
Gathering the pieces that are falling all around.

Most of all, time washes over, draining down and falling under.
Taking care to keep an even keel from stern to prow.

Just a wait now, neverending; hoping for a happy ending.
Clasping hands to heart in hopes to keep all safe and sound.

©2014 choiSOSS

Dogwood blooms against blue sky


I wish.
I wish I could be selfish.
I wish I could not care.

I want.
I want to do for me first.
I want to ignore, not bear.

I can’t.
I can’t stop worrying about others.
I can’t help but care; it’s not fair.

I need.
I need to take care of me now.
I need someone else to bear.

I wish.
I wish I were more more selfish.
I wish I no longer cared.

©2014 choiSOSS